DDoS Attacks Telegram Became A Victim Cyber Attack From China By Orbit Brain June 14, 2019 0 1319 views DDoS Attacks Telegram Became A Victim Cyber Attack From China. Now in Hong Kong, there are mass protests against new amendments to the law on extradition, allowing the Hong Kong authorities to transfer the perpetrators to mainland China. For quick exchange of information, the protesters chose a cross-platform messenger with partially closed Telegram code.However, this week, the app has become the target of a massive cyber attack, which, according to founder Pavel Durov, was launched by China. In his twitter account, he wrote that China launched a large distributed “denial of service” attack (DDoS) against his social network. Yesterday in Telegram there was a big wave of “junk” requests that attempted to overload its servers.Is Telegram 2019 analysis a territory for intellectuals?The best bots for Telegram: part 1Durov said that most of the IP addresses involved in the requests came from China and that previous DDoS attacks “coincided with protests in Hong Kong.”Read: Apple Notebook ModelsIn the past, China has already been accused of persecuting demonstrators using cyber attacks, for example, non-profit Tibetan groups who claimed to have been subjected to DDoS attacks while attempting to circumvent Chinese censorship. Demonstrations in Hong Kong became more violent because the protesters clashed with the police, and today 72 people have been injured. Protesters believe that the law on extradition can be used to suppress dissent by the Chinese government. censorship China cyber attack DDoS Hong Kong Telegram Orbit Brainhttp://orbitbrain.com/ Orbit Brain is the senior science writer and technology expert. Our aim provides the best information about technology and web development designing SEO graphics designing video animation tutorials and how to use software easy waysand much more. Like Best Service Latest Technology, Information Technology, Personal Tech Blogs, Technology Blog Topics, Technology Blogs For Students, Futurism Blog.
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